2. Our Projects

Our Projects

Nigiwai Net TsushimaNigiwai Net Tsushima

The Tsushima "Nigiwai" Creation Project


Tsushima once flourished with its woolen fabric industry, but with the industry's decline, the number of people coming and going throughout the town has decreased, leading to the loss of its "nigiwai", or buzz. Tsushima has many very alluring attractions in addition to Tsushima-jinja Shrine, Tennogawa Park, and Owari Tsushima Tennoh Festival. However, they are not well known due to the inability to provide sufficient information on them.


This project aims to show the allure of Tsushima throughout Japan and to increase the number of visitors coming to it, resulting in the hospitality of Tsushima being shown upon its visitors; further illustrating Tsushima's allure. Through this, the people who come to Tsushima will increase, creating a "buzz", and making it a city people want to move to and continue living in.

The Stay Over Tourist Area Revitalization Project


The town area outside the gate of Tsushima-jinja Shrine once flourished with its woolen fabric industry, and together with the fact that a number of worshipers and merchants stayed in Tsushima, the city was full of activity. However, as the industry declined, so did the number of people coming to Tsushima, and consequently the liveliness of the area. In addition, due to the development of means of transportation, the number of visitors coming only for the day increased, and the need to provide lodging was lost. About 1.6 million tourists come per year, but their short stay-over time does not offer enough to revitalize the area.


Using the now vacant machiya and other guest houses, historical properties of Tsushima, this plan aims to revitalize the area's accommodation needs and extend the staying time of tourists in Tsushima by beginning to allow visitors to experience a number of activities like zazen meditation in the historic temples found all around. In addition, by actively setting forward inbound tourism, the project will go on to revitalize the area even more.